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FCA Reveals Top Strategies for LDI Managers

The FCA has unveiled a set of recommendations to arm asset managers with the tools to ensure the strength and resilience of Liability Driven Investment (LDI) funds. These include engaging with pension scheme trustees, diversifying exposure, monitoring performance, and establishing oversight and intervention mechanisms. By collaborating with pension scheme trustees and following the FCA's guidance, asset managers show their commitment to strengthening LDI funds.

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Affordable Quality: TPR’s Revamped Corporate Strategy

In 2021, the FCA and DWP are leading the charge in revolutionizing how savers and investors are served in the UK. TPR is at the forefront, streamlining their activities and creating a framework to equip decision makers with the necessary capabilities to ensure fairness and value for money in investments. New regulations, like the Senior Managers and Certification Regime implemented in March, help to ensure compliance and illustrate a commitment to protecting pension-holders. This fruitful collaboration presents an exciting chance for reform and tangible change for the benefit of all.

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Boosting Benefits with Consumer Duty

At the Financial Conduct Authority, we strive to protect consumers from unauthorised firms, who often make false promises to lure unsuspecting victims. We monitor these activities, ensure individuals understand the regulations and ethical rules of the financial sector, and provide information to help people make informed decisions and avoid being defrauded. If you’re ever unsure about a financial service, contact us for guidance. We are here to help you make wise and informed choices, so don’t let unauthorised firms ruin your financial future.

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FCA: Banks on Guard Against Postal Laundering

The FCA and the Post Office have collaborated to introduce strengthened regulations to combat money laundering using the Post Office. Together, they have determined that this can be done without encroaching on customers rights. The regulations will include identity and transaction checks, and may cause transaction time to increase. The Post Office have provided information to the FCA to tailor their response, and are offering services such as faster payments, validating customer refund claims, and contactless payment cards to limit disruption. The FCA and the Post Office remain committed to protecting the fundamental right to access cash services.

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Value for Money: Core of TPR Vision

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is prioritising savers' access to better value for their money in the upcoming year. Their new corporate plan sets out key goals, including continuing collaboration to improve administration and delivery of pension schemes, holding pension managers accountable, and preventing scams and cyber security threats. TPR is also planning a pensions dashboard to give people access to vital pension information and help them make informed decisions. Additionally, they are looking to drive down costs and manage assets in a manner that better supports members. All in all, TPR is committed to delivering a fairer and more transparent service to savers with improved access to their retirement savings.

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