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Safe as Houses? Investment Safety Analyzed

For the past 145 years, real estate has consistently presented itself as one of the most reliable forms of investment - with an estimated return of 7.05% annually from 1870 until 2015. With home ownership comes a sense of belonging, financial security, and savings for future generations. This, combined with its low cost management and the recent rise of shared housing make this asset a powerful cornerstone of the global economy.

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Revealing Advisers’ Perspectives on Personal Compliance

Survey results indicate that the majority of financial advice firms have good or excellent levels of compliance, however discrepancies in knowledge regarding regulatory updates were revealed. 44% of firms have an in-house compliance officer, while 9% outsource. Data protection and consumer credit policies appear to be lacking though, with 28% and 10% respectively having no policies in place. Although many firms have good compliance strategies, staying up to date with the constantly changing regulations is essential, with firms needing to take responsibility for policies, undertake regular checks and protect their clients.

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James Chew: New Director at Big Society Capital

Big Society Capital is pleased to announce the appointment of James Chew, Group Head of Regulatory Strategy at HSBC, as their new bank appointed non-executive director. His extensive background in banking, risk management, compliance, and regulation brings an invaluable understanding of the domestic and global banking contexts. James will be providing key insights from his decades of financial industry experience to drive social investment in the UK. His enthusiasm and dedication to his role will be a much-welcomed asset to the organization.

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NHS Pension Exodus: 50,000 Flee Affordability Crisis

British taxpayers are bearing the brunt of a cost of living crisis, which is manifesting itself in a record number of opt-outs from the NHS Pension Scheme. Over 53,000 people have left the scheme due to affordability concerns and 8 million are at risk of not having money to retire on. Recently introduced reforms from former Health and Social Care Secretary Jeremy Hunt have only exacerbated the problem of pension costs. Quilter is appealing for further action from the Government to address the issue, including raising the Budget Age Allowance, introducing financial education into the curriculum, encouraging people to save more and reducing pension costs. Change needs to happen now in order to secure a more secure future.

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Mortgages Stretching 30-40 Years: A New Normal?

The survey conducted by Newspage® has shown a trend in mortgage customers towards longer-term mortgages that offer more affordability. This shift in consumer behavior has presented new opportunities and challenges for brokers, who must be more agile and creative in finding the best possible terms for their clients. Brokers must also inform their customers of all their options, helping them make the best decisions that fit their lifestyle and financial needs. This trend towards looking for longer-term mortgages to make them more affordable looks to be continuing.

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FCA’s Top Guidance for LDI Managers

The FCA released a set of recommendations today (24 April) to increase resilience in liability driven investment (LDI) funds. The guidelines focus on risk management, performance tracking, and ensuring trustees and stakeholders have the information to make informed decisions. Asset managers must have adequate controls in place to identify risks and monitor performance for a specified period of time; must ensure their processes and valuation/pricing methods reflect current market conditions; and should keep stakeholders informed. Following the guidance should help mitigate risks and provide the best possible outcomes in times of market volatility.

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