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ESG Values Complement Profit-Driven Investing

Increasingly, investors are combining ESG analysis with their value investing strategies, as they seek to capitalize on companies that prioritize sustainability and environmental practices. By taking a holistic look at a company's ESG score alongside its financial outlook, investors can build portfolios and reduce risks for more successful long-term investments.

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Small & Medium IFAs: Resilience Reigns Supreme

Small and medium-sized IFAs have proven their resilience and worth by working smarter, not harder, and by remaining successful despite the financial pressures, ever-changing regulations, shifts in customer trends, and more. Abraham Okusanya, CEO of Timeline, admires their fortitude and encourages us to recognise and applaud their success. Thanks to their hard work and adaptability, these IFAs have found ways to engage with customers, provide value, and prove their worth.

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Majority Deem ESG Factors Significant

The growing demand for ESG criteria has been clear in recent years, with 94% of consumers finding at least one criterion to be "important". At the changing Agents Conference held in May, this notion was discussed by Samantha Duncan, CEO and founder of Net Purpose. Investor focus into sustainable investments is on the rise, with financial institutions such as HSBC introducing new frameworks for similar strategies, all promoting climate objectives and other similar ESG initiatives. Policy makers, financial institutions and investors are joining forces to get better returns from long-term investments, with ESG becoming an increasingly important factor in this regard.

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Carl Lamb: Caution with Desires

March's Budget announcement has brought worry to those with pensions concerning the potential scrapping of the lifetime allowance, which could have a huge impact on the ability of retirees to live off a generous pension pot. Debate over the potential drawbacks and advantages of the decision have created a divisive atmosphere. People should stay informed and wary to plan for whatever the outcome may be—potentially a great financial loss—and get advice if necessary.