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CIExpert Enhances Insight Zone with Income Protection

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CIExpert, the leading protection comparison specialist, has announced the addition of income protection policies to its adviser portal, Insight Zone. The move comes in response to market demand for an area within the hub that focuses specifically on income protection.

With the addition of income protection, advisers who use CIExpert’s portal will have easy access to key information on all aspects of these policies in an educational way. The portal aims to provide advisers with comprehensive and up-to-date information that they can use to support their clients when making decisions about their protection needs.

Guardian, which has recently launched its own income protection policy, expressed support for the move. Guardian director, Robyn Kerr, said: “We welcome initiatives that help advisers bring more clarity to the often complex world of protection.”

CIExpert’s founder and director, Alan Lakey, explained that the portal is designed to help advisers fully understand the protection products that they recommend to clients. He said: “Our aim is to assist advisers in the crucial process of choosing the most appropriate product by providing them with all the necessary information in one place.”

Income protection is an important product for consumers, as it provides financial support in the event of illness or injury that prevents them from working. However, it is often an area that is misunderstood or overlooked by consumers when buying protection products. By adding income protection to its Insight Zone, CIExpert aims to make this product more accessible and easier to understand for both advisers and their clients.

CIExpert’s move is likely to be welcomed by advisers, who are increasingly focused on ensuring that they provide their clients with comprehensive protection advice. With the addition of income protection to the Insight Zone, advisers can feel confident that they have access to the latest information on this important product, as well as the other protection products that CIExpert offers.

Overall, this development signals both CIExpert’s commitment to providing advisers with comprehensive support and education, and the growing importance of income protection as a protection product. As more consumers become aware of the benefits of this product, it is likely that demand for income protection policies will continue to grow. As such, it is essential that advisers have access to the latest information and tools to support their clients’ protection needs.

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CIExpert Enhances Insight Zone with Income Protection

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