
Blog Posts

Sanctions Reveal Evolution in White Collar Crime

Ben and Rhys, both experts in white collar crime, provide advice on navigating the complex arena of financial services. A first step is to obtain an understanding of the applicable law, which may vary between jurisdictions. Advisers are also encouraged to evaluate cases correctly, considering the facts, legal options, and recent developments. Ultimately, this attention to detail and understanding of the ever-changing legal landscape will help financial advisers prevent serious consequences for themselves and their clients.

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7Advisers: Unveiling IPTF Lessons Learned

The protection industry is in a period of economic hardship, with numerous changes being made. This is an opportunity for stakeholders to adapt and make improvements; financial advisors need to advocate their services and the industry must simplify the overall protection process. With collaboration, trust can be established and the industry can become a safe and reliable place for customers, insurers, and financial advisors alike.

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Soaring Home Prices Boost IHT Billions

Canada Life's Technical Director predicts that UK Treasury IHT receipts will surge in the coming years due to escalating house prices, possibly reaching an all-time high in 2020. HMRC reported raising £4.7 billion in IHT receipts in March, a three percent increase compared to 2017. Educating yourself on IHT and staying up-to-date with changing regulations is key to understanding how to budget responsibly and manage finances effectively.

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Taming Stress in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Stress Awareness Month is a great reminder for employers to focus on the wellbeing of their employees. It is important to create an environment to promote healthy habits, open communication to allow employees to have a voice, and provide supportive resources to manage stress. Regular check-ins and feedback, mental health tips, and mindfulness techniques are all helpful initiatives that employers can provide to ensure positive company cultures and healthy working relationships. April is Stress Awareness Month and a crucial time for organizations to prioritize their employees' wellbeing. Creating healthy habits, open communication, and supportive resources are all important steps to addressing stress and creating positive company cultures. Employers should encourage healthy eating, posture, and hydration, provide optional afternoon activities and regular feedback and host mental health tips and helplines. Ultimately, it is essential for employers to ensure their staff have the necessary tools and resources to foster healthy and productive working relationships.

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Safe as Houses? Investment Safety Analyzed

For the past 145 years, real estate has consistently presented itself as one of the most reliable forms of investment - with an estimated return of 7.05% annually from 1870 until 2015. With home ownership comes a sense of belonging, financial security, and savings for future generations. This, combined with its low cost management and the recent rise of shared housing make this asset a powerful cornerstone of the global economy.

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Revealing Advisers’ Perspectives on Personal Compliance

Survey results indicate that the majority of financial advice firms have good or excellent levels of compliance, however discrepancies in knowledge regarding regulatory updates were revealed. 44% of firms have an in-house compliance officer, while 9% outsource. Data protection and consumer credit policies appear to be lacking though, with 28% and 10% respectively having no policies in place. Although many firms have good compliance strategies, staying up to date with the constantly changing regulations is essential, with firms needing to take responsibility for policies, undertake regular checks and protect their clients.

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