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Recycling Trailblazer Fueled by GAS

Green Angel Syndicate have made a massive investment in Descycle, an innovative recycling and minerals processing company, for the development of Distributed Extended Surface (DES) technology. This new process has the potential to revolutionize the industry by bringing more efficiency, and hence, less use of time, energy and resources, as well as developing clean energy sources. The pre-series A round was oversubscribed, which gives hope that the technology can be put in practice, leading to a new era of efficiency in the industry.

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OryxAlign: Staff Cyber Security Training Crucial

Nathan, the Director of Product at cybersecurity platform SCMD, outlines five simple yet effective cybersecurity behaviours - maintaining a security mindset, never falling for phishing tactics, using strong and varied passwords, staying up to date with updates, and investing in cyber security - that employees can adopt for enhanced data and system protection.

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Boost Adviser Success with Regulation Assistance

The majority of clients at Manchester-based B-Compliant value ‘support and assistance in meeting regulatory requirements’ when choosing a compliance provider. The survey conducted by B-Compliant revealed that the most important feature sought by clients was 'hands-on help' during the implementation process. The firm provides tailored services such as onsite implementation and staff training, which is highly valued by clients of all types in terms of improved compliance culture, productivity and efficiency. With their deep understanding of specific needs and commitment to offer creative solutions, B-Compliant is the ideal choice for financial advisers and businesses of any size.

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“Longevity Risks Unveiled: Pension Schemes Report”

As longevity risk reaches 25% of the total risk associated with DB pension schemes, it is becoming increasingly important for these schemes to take measures to protect and secure scheme members. Through the introduction of 'made to measure' mortality assessments, demographic profiling, and tracking of predictive analysis, pension schemes can measure the success of their plans and uncover opportunities for enhanced security and the longevity of their members. These steps help to create a fuller picture of the current situation and allow for increased accuracy of the risk landscape. With the right levels of understanding and continual review, schemes can ensure that the best possible outcomes are achieved for members.

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