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2023/24 Tax Maze: Mastering Property Investments

As the new tax year begins, both financial advisers and their clients face many economic challenges but also many opportunities. Government fiscal measures are designed to boost enterprise, and exploring the regulatory changes can bring success in the new financial year. Marginal tax rate and pension allowance changes should be carefully reviewed to understand their implications. Adopting a clear communication strategy will ensure smooth sailing for the transition, allowing all to benefit from the new fiscal measures.

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Husselbee’s Guide: Embracing Optimism

Regulations and initiatives to foster security in the markets, along with mindful diversification of holdings, can all help to protect against financial losses. To truly maximize returns, stay informed, research extensively, and trust your investment decisions.

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Mercer’s Inadequate Service: Unfit for Purpose

Pension savers are speaking out against Mercer, an administrator responsible for managing pension schemes, due to their consistently poor customer service. Sufferings of slow response times, lack of clarity and errors in record-keeping have caused uproar among those entrusting Mercer with the management of their pension schemes. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has launched an investigation looking for any violations, miss-happenings or mis-selling that have occurred due to Mercer’s failure to provide desirable customer service expected from a company of their calibre. There is a need for Mercer to provide satisfactory customer service as mistakes and mismanagement will be detected. Clients rely on Mercer and it is concerning to see a lack of care they are exhibiting. The FCA must bring timely solutions to Mercer's missteps.

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Home Loans: Slash Rates, Boost Investment Potential

. Foundation is proud to present our refreshed owner-occupied products with fantastic rates and conditions. We offer unbeatable variable rates at 5.99%, a 0.70% reduction, as well as two- and five-year fixed rates that start at 6.24%. Our flexible and individualized options are perfect for land buyers looking to purchase and move, and our dedicated customer service team provides a reliable and first-rate experience. Visit us now to take advantage of our unbeatable product line.

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Wealthy Doubters Slow ESG Investment Growth

More and more High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) are acknowledging the benefits of investing in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds, yet most are still hesitant to take action. Results from the third edition of the Saltus Wealth Index revealed that roughly 80% of HNWIs in the UK understand the positive implications these investments can have, while Benefits Research Institute identified trends such as younger HNWIs looking to make a difference and wider populations understanding how mission-driven investments can bring a good return. When done responsibly and wisely, HNWIs can diversify their portfolio with ESG investments, contributing to a more sustainable future with potentially beneficial tax advantages. However, risks can come with ESG funds and understanding the risk-return profile of any such investment is important. With proper guidance and advice, HNWIs can make meaningful investments that better manage risks and provide a financial and ethical return.

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