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Boosting Business: Community-Driven Meditation Benefits

Moments of Space have developed an accessible tool designed to help those with anxiety get relief without leaving their homes. The 10-minute session contains breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques designed by experts in the mental health field. It is personalised to each user and has AI-based recognition that monitors their state during the session to help identify signs of distress. Additionally, the tool is being further developed with an optimisation system for a tailored experience. This groundbreaking tool provides an easy and effective way to combat anxiety for all users.

Blog Posts

Ex-Gridiron Boss Manages Hartley Parent’s Demise

Andrew Andronikou of Quantuma Advisory Ltd has been appointed to lead the closure of Hartley Pensions on April 3rd, 2023. He is joined by Michael Kiely and Chris Newell of Quantuma Advisory Ltd, with the task of helping pension funds be allocated to more than 6,000 members and dividing any available funds among creditors. The team has agreed to honor a detailed set of guidelines to ensure decisions are made for the benefit of the members and their families. Wilton UK (Group) Ltd is hopeful that the attach of Quantuma Advisory Ltd will add stability during the wind up process and despite the challenges, all parties remain optimistic.

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