Meet Fundment CEO Ola Abdul: MMI Leeds 2023

Home » Meet Fundment CEO Ola Abdul: MMI Leeds 2023

We were privileged to connect with Ola Abdul, the CEO of Fundment, to gain insight into the quality of advisory platforms and where platform advancement is heading.

As we talked to Ola, it became affirmed that the future of platforms and platform innovation is here. With this, we’re seeing more investment–and more reward–in both advising services and technological advancements in the same vein.

Taking a deeper dive into the world of platforming, the conversation started to uncover the specific challenges faced. Platforms require consistency in order to maintain their competitive advantage over competitors, which are not always easy to keep while also remaining innovative. However, as Ola pointed out, staying ahead of the game is essential.

The underlying topic of discussion that seemed to unify our conversation was that of the importance of quality. Quality here referring to both the quality of the insights provided and the overall user experience. However, it’s not just the primary challenges that Ola points out, but also the importance of variety in standing out. Specifically, this points to the concept of differentiation over competitors and the need for a technocratic approach to platforming in order to create tailored solutions that match both customers’ needs and technological advances.

Ultimately, as Ola progressed onto the second half of the conversation, it became evident that we are entering into a new era of successful platforming. With the influx of new technology, we are seeing an increase in opportunities where platforms can make the most of advancements in order to create successful, adaptable solutions that unearth and match the specific needs of the customer.

In light of such developments, we are noticing the impact of Leeds 2023 MMTV Platforms as we move closer to opening up the doors in May. This evidenced development points to the mindful approach to innovation that is being taken. Core to successful platforms, the MMTV Platforms is a prime example of how the leaders in the industry are leaning into innovation and ensuring the provision of the highest quality service.

All in all, it’s an exciting time to look at the industry of advising platforms. With the increasing variety of user experiences and the focus on higher quality standards, innovation is steadily gaining momentum and promising to revolutionise the customer service landscape.

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Meet Fundment CEO Ola Abdul: MMI Leeds 2023